Who can have this treatment?
Skin tightening is suitable for anyone aged over 21. At a younger age, this process is primarily preventative, in order to delay the skin ageing process. Has your skin already started sagging? Then, skin tightening with the Exilis Ultra 360™ is suitable for you. During your intake appointment, we will go through your situation in order to assess your suitability for the treatment.
How does the Exilis Ultra 360™ work?
The Exilis Ultra 360™ combines monopole radio frequency and ultrasound technology. The machine includes various applicators and end-pieces for the face, vagina and body. The head of the applicator applies heat to the skin. The 360˚ volumetric heating disrupts old connecting tissue and the creation of new collagen fibres is stimulated. This effect penetrates deep into the skin, where recovery is triggered from the inside.
Pleasant heat, like a hot-stone treatment
The controlled heating and cooling per applicator guarantees an effective treatment. By changing the heat, every skin layer can be reached and the treatment targets the specific area and the desired result. The heat of the treatment head is an average of 40˚C to 42˚C. This head is moved in fluent, round movements over the skin and the treatment feels like a pleasant, relaxing, hot-stone massage.
The duration of the treatment
How long the treatment takes depends on the area to be treated and the condition of the skin. It can take between 4 and 30 minutes each time. For the very best result from the skin tightening process, 4 treatments will be required, with an intervening period of between 7 to 10 days. The whole treatment is usually completed within a month. The treatment can be planned in between your usual tasks; in your lunchbreak, after a cup of coffee with friends or before you go shopping. There is no recovery time and you can get on with your day afterwards.

Pleasant heat, like a hot-stone treatment

The controlled heating and cooling per applicator guarantees an effective treatment. By changing the heat, every skin layer can be reached and the treatment targets the specific area and the desired result. The heat of the treatment head is an average of 40˚C to 42˚C. This head is moved in fluent, round movements over the skin and the treatment feels like a pleasant, relaxing, hot-stone massage.
The duration of the treatment
How long the treatment takes depends on the area to be treated and the condition of the skin. It can take between 4 and 30 minutes each time. For the very best result from the skin tightening process, 4 treatments will be required, with an intervening period of between 7 to 10 days. The whole treatment is usually completed within a month. The treatment can be planned in between your usual tasks; in your lunchbreak, after a cup of coffee with friends or before you go shopping. There is no recovery time and you can get on with your day afterwards.
The results of skin tightening with the Exilis Ultra 360™
The treatment not only stimulates the creation of collagen, it also damages the fat cells so excess fat is removed. A treatment on the face to stimulate collagen will lead to a reduction in wrinkles and a strengthening of the skin. The result is sometimes visible after the first treatment but, in general, the optimum result will be achieved a few months after the last session (the fourth session) has been completed. You can then book ‘maintenance’ treatments to give the skin another boost. This 5th treatment is offered free of charge if you buy a package of skin tightening treatments.
Just like cosmetic surgery but without needles, operations or injections
The results of a treatment with the Exilis Ultra 36™ is similar to the results achieved with cosmetic surgery. As if, for example, you have had a facelift or stomach wall correction but without needles, operations, injections or scarring. An excellent alternative to fillers or Botox. Anyone who used to opt for cosmetic interventions in order to achieve a quick result, can now achieve the same effect with the short, effective and painless treatment in our clinic.
Safe treatment: CE and FDA certified
The Exilis Ultra 360™ has been thoroughly tested in various clinical studies. The treatment has been proven to be safe and this is backed up by both CE and FDA certifications. The employees in our clinic are also specialised in the treatments for skin tightening, using this device.