Fat freezing and skin tightening; always a solution for your figure

Next Fatfreeze Clinics is the ideal location to create your perfect figure; by eliminating excess fat or rejuvenating your skin. We will help you safely achieve the best possible, top quality result using care and experience. Our team of specialists has around 10 years of experience in the medical world, in various sectors. So you can be sure of honest, realistic advice on what we could do for you. Our combination of fat freezing and skin tightening is unique to the Netherlands; we will help you permanently remove fat and rejuvenate your skin. We will always find the perfect solution for your figure at our clinic.

Fat freezing

Skin tightening

Fat freezing

Skin tightening

Our benefits

  • Painless and no anaesthetic or operation required
  • Fat freezing or skin tightening;
    always the perfect solution for your body
  • Quick, visible results
    (3 to 5 weeks)
  • No recovery period or irritation
  • CE & FDA certified

  • More than 6,000 treatments already carried out
  • Without dieting or additional exercise
  • Payment in instalments is possible
The Fat freeze team

Do you also dream of a flat stomach?
We will definitely help you
of that stubborn roll of fat.

Droom jij ook van een platte buik?
Wij helpen je definitief af
van dat hardnekkige vetrolletje.


  • Pijnloos en zonder verdoving of operatie

  • Snel zichtbaar resultaat (3 – 5 weken)

  • Geen hersteltijd of irritaties

  • CE & FDA gecertificeerd

  • Onze specialisten hebben al meer dan 6000+ behandelingen uitgevoerd

  • Voordeliger en sneller door 2 behandelkoppen

  • Zonder dieet of extra sporten

  • Termijnbetaling mogelijk


“I am really happy with the result!” This is how Tanja Jess describes her experience with the skin tightening treatment. She noticed a tighter and smoother skin almost immediately, without a drastic recovery period. A comfortable and effective approach that exceeded her expectations.

Tanja Jess

Lieke van Lexmond

“I can clearly see and feel a difference!” With these words Lieke van Lexmond describes her experience with Emsculpt. She chose this innovative treatment to firm her buttocks and is impressed by the fast and visible result, without intensive workouts or long recovery, 30,000 squats in 30 minutes!

Lieke van Lexmond

“After two pregnancies, I felt like my belly needed some extra love, and my face deserves the best care too!” Rosé Betram underwent a skin tightening procedure on her belly to firm up her skin after her pregnancies and opted for a preventative facial. The result? A tighter, fresher look—without any invasive treatments!

Rose Bertram

Tom Coronel

“My jawline looks tighter!” Tom Conronel quickly noticed a difference after the skin tightening for his chin and jawline. A professional treatment with quickly visible results, without recovery period.

Tom Coronel

Carice van Houten

“My whole face looks rejuvenated!” laughs Carice van Houten after her facial tightening. And when you look at the photo, you can see right away: here you not only get a tighter skin, but also a big dose of fun!

Carice van Houten

“I am so happy with the result on my stomach!” Bridget Maasland opted for fat freezing and skin tightening, which has permanently removed the unwanted fat cells and made her skin feel visibly firmer and younger.

Bridget Maasland